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Coyote Cone 6 Slow Cool Glazes

Coyote Cone 6 Slow Cool Glazes

By adding controlled cooling to a normal cone 6 firing, these glazes produce spectacular effects that were previously difficult to obtain.

Why slow cool?

These new glazes look their best when cooled slowly. Most modern electric kilns are less insulated than their gas fired counterparts, resulting in a quick cooling cycle that prevents many glazes from developing the richness they might otherwise have. Iron reds, crystaline glazes and others should be slow cooled to achieve their best effects.

What will happen to my other glazes?

By programming your automatic kiln to our recommended firing schedule many of your current glazes will look dramatically better. All of the Coyote glazes fall into one of three categories when slow cooled:

2. A little better.
3. Can't tell any difference.

We haven't found any glazes that look worse in a slow cool than they do in a regular firing.

How do I program my kiln?

As the control panels for programmable kilns vary across brands, you should consult your owner's manual, or contact the seller or manufacturer of the kiln, for instructions on how to program your specific kiln. Once you know how to program your kiln, enter the following schedule

Ramps: 5

100/hr to 220 (this preheat ramp is optional)

350/hr to 2000

150/hr to 2200 hold 15 minutes

500/hr to 2150 hold for 15 minutes

125/hr to 1400

Thermocouples tend to vary slightly so you may need to tweak the top temperature for your kiln. Your witness cone 5 should be all the way down, and the witness cone six should be from halfway over to the tip even with the base (between cone 5 1/2 and 6), cone seven should be mostly straight.

Can I fire these glazes in a regular firing?

Yes, the new glazes look fabulous in regular firings. A slow cool will maximize the growth of crystals and bring out the best in these glazes, but is not necessary to make them work well.

Are these glazes food safe?

Ivory Crystal, Crystal Celadon, and Crystal Lagoon will change color when exposed to acidic foods and are not recommended for food use. Autumn Spice, Mars Red Iron, Light Gold, and Summer Spice are suitable for food.

SDS/MSDS (Safety Data)
Product Safety Information

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